I forgot one day.. I wanted to write it yesterday but somehow I was too busy to do it and later I was too tired.
Cherri and I went to the Bonton for breakfast. I remember her first description of that place: This is where all the old farmers go. And they look at you when you’re new.They had some good breakfast there 🙂
After breakfast we went trailriding. We took Cajun and Brio, I rode Cajun. That place, I think it was called Natural Valley had very nice trails. No really difficult ones though. But that was just fine.
We came home around 4.30pm and then decided to go for another ride. Deborah came with her horse and this time Ross was back home from work and joined us. This time we took Cajun, Little Joe and CeCe and I rode CeCe. That trail was built next to an old railway track. It was also quite nice. On our way back the horses were going quite fast. But it was fun going faster 🙂
This morning I didn’t do much. I somehow managed to catch a cold. :/ Cherri ran down to the store to get some medicine for me.. hopefully it’ll be better soon.
I watched a very nice movie. It was called „Dolphin Tale“.
And we had ranch again today. It was nice.
Gute Besserung, Miriamsel, es wäre schade, wenn du nicht reiten könntest. Wir haben heute den Löbauer Berg erstiegen.