
Forgot to post anything yesterday.
We didn’t really do much. In the morning Cherri and me went to Ed’s for Cherri’s riding lesson. We also took Ozzy the pony so that he would learn some patience. He didn’t like waiting at all.
When Ross came home from work we went to Greencastle for dinner. The restaurant was called Almost Home. The best was the dessert: A strawberry pizza. 🙂 And this time I didn’t leave my box 😀
Back home Cherri and I watched a movie, Seabiscuit. A good movie.


2 Kommentare

  1. Franz und ich lesen alles mit Vergnügen. Sind die ranch kids die Reit Schüler von Cherri?

  2. nicht ganz. aber auch etwas. Genaueres über die ranch days kann man hier lesen: http://www.littleoaksranch.org/

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