Advent Calendar

I know, christmas time is already over. But I have been so busy lately that I just didn’t have any time to update this blog. I have made some rather unspectacular projects for Christmas (jewelry mostly).. I will upload some photos on DeviantArt.

But I also created an advent calendar for my boyfriend. It took me ages and in the end it didn’t exactly look like I had imagined it (like always.. 😛 ) but well.. just take a look yourself 😉

It is supposed to be a castle. And here’s the result from three different perspectives:

P1340857 P1340853 P1340848

As I already mentioned it took me ages to build it.. I also have some photos of the „making of“. I won’t post a whole tutorial here but if you are somewhat experienced with crafting I am sure this will totally suffice. If not – feel free to write me. 🙂

first "model" : testing how many boxes are needed and where they should be placed

first „model“ : testing how many boxes are needed and where they should be placed

painting it.. and "sanding" it

painting it.. and „sanding“ it


some material for the roof


building the door lock




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