Metal Clay

A new hobby. Unfortunately a quite expensive new hobby.. Nevertheless I sometimes „find“ some money to create some new things. So far I have been only working with silver metal clay. I might try some copper at some point since it is cheaper. Only problem is..I would need a kiln…

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Taking Photos…

I like taking photos..I don’t know what I would do without having a camera within reach.. When I accidentally broke my old camera I thought I could manage a few weeks without. Borrowing from my sisters or parents when I really need one.. but I soon started to notice many…

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100 random questions about me

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. […] Eichenpfeiler des Totenhauses ragte noch immer über dem […]  (Bernard Cornwell – Stonehenge) Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch? my desk. and the chaos on top of…

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Beadwork IV

…and the rest 😉 Poseidon. January 2011. Eagle. February 2011.   Black Rider. September 2010. So.. for now this was everything I have pictures of. I hope you liked them.

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