I need a name!

A week ago I brought 2 little baby hares to the vet.. I had found them the evening before. We came home. It was dark. I got out of the car and noticed a weird noise. First I ignored it but then I became curious and went to look. The…

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Where is it? It is already January and we haven’t had any real snow yet.. well, yeah we have had a bit of snow. But that wasn’t enough you could count it as snow. I don’t like this gray rainy weather. It makes you restless somehow. At least me. And…

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41 Questions. 1 Personality.

well.. I was just clicking through last.fm profiles. And I found this test on one of the pages and took it just for fun. It gives me the option to share it on twitter (which I don’t have). Or on facebook (which I don’t want). anyways. I thought it was…

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