You might no longer live among us but in our hearts you will live forever

nothing much to say… you will be greatly missed.



with Emmi


also with Emmi
with Findus
hiding 😀
..what’s under there?
I’m not here!
with Puckelchen
trying to look dangerous
paperwork is the best place to sleep

who cares about birds?
this is also an interesting place 😉

sorry for the layout, those photos just didn’t want to be the way I wanted them to be..



  1. So sorry to find out about your cat. It looks like you 2 were very happy together. Ablebaker

  2. Neeeeein, nicht die liebe Katinka… 🙁 wie schade…
    Aber sie war ja auch nicht mehr ganz so jung, oder?

  3. naja, geht so. Sie wäre im August 12 geworden. Aber sie war ja ziemlich dick. Das erhöht ja das Herzinfarkt-Risiko..

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